Saturday, January 10, 2015

Final Reflection

1. Yes, after this class I feel that I am able to discuss economics better because I understand the terms and concepts involved in economic events and decisions. I feel that I can make better economic decisions personally, and understand how the economic decisions of firms effect myself as a consumer and the rest of the economy.
2. Supply and Demand was the most memorable concept to me because it was the easiest to observe in real life situations. When we learned about supply and demand, and it made me realize how firms earn money, establish prices, and obtain profit or loss. I now understand why businesses thrive or shut down. Also, the supply and demand graphs were my favorite because they were easiest to understand and draw.
3. Yes, writing economic blogs made me apply the concepts we learned in class to real world scenarios. I feel that if I can explain a concept to someone or use it in an example, I tend to do better on the test or quiz on that material. When writing the blog posts I learned to think of the material we learn in class as real world phenomenon rather than abstract ideas that are not related to my life. I saw the economy as something that impacts me and that is possible for me to understand.
4. One aspect of the class that I feel could be improved is checking in homework. Not to be "that student", but I always do my Mortons, and I wish they would be checked in for points more frequently because I put effort into doing them. I also think that we should do more practice questions that are phrased like the ones on the test. I feel like I understand the material, but on tests the way questions are phrased confuses me and messes me up.
5. If I could re-start the semester, I would do more practice in the workbook to help study for tests. I would also re-read my textbook the night before the test, because I usually read the pages when they're assigned, but forget about them and rely on my notes and Mortons to study for the tests. I would also try to find some practice FRQ's because I tend to do either really well or really poor on them, and I think maybe practice would help.

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